How Do You Register for an MTTC Exam?

Follow these step-by-step instructions to register for the MTTC exam.

  1. Make a new account or log in on

Be sure to give accurate personal/contact information when making a new account.

  1. Select your test

Determine the MTTC requirements for your license. The MTTC website and the Michigan Department of Education have information and guidance on which test to take.

  1. Pay for the test 

Payment with Visa, MasterCard, or an electronic voucher is required at the time of registration through the online portal. Visit the MTTC website for information on other forms of payment.

  1. Schedule a testing appointment 

After paying for the test, you will be able to schedule a testing appointment immediately or log back in later to schedule. Registration is valid for one year from the date of payment. There is an option in your account and on the MTTC website to view upcoming testing locations and times.

How Much Does it Cost to Register for an MTTC Exam?

The standard computer-based MTTC exam costs $129. This MTTC fee includes the costs of registration, taking the exam, and score reporting. You can find anything you might need to know about the cost of the test here or on the MTTC website.

Do You Need an ID to Take an MTTC Exam?

YES! Bring an acceptable form of identification to the test appointment. Failure to bring an acceptable form of identification to the testing center will result in your test being canceled without a refund.

What Kind of ID Do You Need for the MTTC Test?

Acceptable forms of ID for the MTTC include government-issued identification with your picture and signature. The ID must be printed in English and have a name that matches the full name on the exam registration.

Examples of correct ID include:

  • State-issued driver’s license
  • Passport
  • State identification card (for people without a driver’s license)
  • National or military identification
  • Alien registration card (permanent resident card)

What Are Some Day-of-Test Tips for an MTTC Test?

The following tips will help you succeed on your test day.

  • Plan a test-day routine ahead of time.
  • Recheck the testing location and appointment time before leaving home.
  • Reread the test center rules before leaving home.
  • Double-check that you have the right ID before leaving home.
  • Eat a good breakfast and stay hydrated.
  • Dress comfortably. Bring layers.
  • Pace yourself on the exam.
  • Stay calm. Keep a positive mindset.
  • Reward yourself with a tasty treat or fun activity when you finish.

Do You Get a Formula Sheet for an MTTC Exam?

Some MTTC exams will provide on-screen formula and/or reference sheets. Exams that are most likely to provide reference materials cover topics in mathematics and science. For example, elementary mathematics (089) provides a formula sheet, and the chemistry exam provides a periodic table for reference. You can find information on formula sheets and reference materials in the “Notes” section of the summary for each exam on the MTTC website.

Do You Get a Calculator for an MTTC Exam?

black calculator

Some MTTC exams do permit the use of calculators. For elementary (103) and secondary (022) mathematics exams, test-takers are required to bring their own graphing calculator. More information on approved calculators for these sections can be found on the MTTC website. For exams that include chemistry, physical science, and integrated science, test-takers will have access to an on-screen scientific calculator. You can find information on calculators for each exam in the “Notes” section of the exam summary on the MTTC website. If an on-screen calculator is provided for the exam, you will not be allowed to bring a personal calculator.

What Happens if You Fail an MTTC Exam?

It’s OK if you fail an exam. In fact, up to 20% of people fail on their first try for some subjects. The Michigan Department of Education allows unlimited retakes for MTTC exams as long as each exam is only taken once per 30-day period. To retake the MTTC, you will need to register for a new test appointment in your online account and repay the registration fee of $129. If an exam is failed four or more times, MDE recommends working with an academic advisor to help improve your score.

How Long Do You Have to Wait Before You Can Retake an MTTC Exam?

Each MTTC exam can only be taken once within a 30-day window. If you retake an exam within 30 days of your previous attempt, the retake scores will be void and no refund will be issued. You can use the 30-day waiting period to review the score report, study harder in your weaker areas (remember to follow an MTTC study guide), and work practice problems.

Are There Any Other Registration Details to Know?

Changes to a registered testing date, location, and appointment time must be submitted through your MTTC online account at least 24 hours before the test. There is no fee for making changes up to the day before the test. To change your test selection, withdraw the incorrect registration, and register again for the correct test through your online account. Withdrawal requests must be submitted at least 24 hours before the test appointment to receive a full refund. No-shows and late arrivals to testing appointments will not receive a refund.

Ready to start studying? Get started with our MTTC study guide!