Praxis Test Study Guides and Test-Prep
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Explore the Best Praxis Study Guides
Praxis️ Core Study Guides
Core Academic Skills for Educators Tests: Complete
Praxis Core: Reading Practice Test
Praxis Core: Mathematics
Praxis Core: Writing
Praxis️ Elementary Education: Multiple Subjects Study Guides
Elementary Education Multiple Subjects (5001) Complete
Reading and Language Arts
Social Studies
Elementary Education: Multiple Subjects: Complete
Teaching Reading
Social Studies
Praxis Elementary Education: Content Knowledge for Teaching Study Guides
Elementary Education CKT: Complete
Elementary Education CKT: Reading and Language Arts
Elementary Education CKT: Mathematics
Elementary Education CKT: Science
Elementary Education CKT: Social Studies
Praxis Principles of Learning and Teaching Study Guides
Principles of Learning & Teaching: Early Childhood
Principles of Learning & Teaching: K-6 Practice Test
Principles of Learning & Teaching: 5-9 Practice Test
Principles of Learning & Teaching: 7-12 Practice Test
Principles of Learning & Teaching: K-12 Practice Test
Praxis Early Childhood Study Guides
Education of Young Children
Early Childhood Education
Early Childhood Assessment
Early Childhood Assessment: Reading and Language Arts & Social Studies
Early Childhood Assessment: Mathematics & Science
Praxis Early Childhood Study Guides
Elementary Education Assessment
Elementary Education: Three Subject Bundle
Elementary Education: Mathematics
Elementary Education: Social Studies
Elementary Education: Science
Elementary Education Assessment: Mathematics and Science
Elementary Education Assessment: Reading Language Arts & SS
Elementary Education: Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment
Praxis Middle School Study Guides
Middle School: English Language Arts
Middle School: Mathematics
Middle School: Social Studies
Praxis Content Knowledge Study Guides
Elementary Education: Content Knowledge
English Language Arts: Content Knowledge
English Language Arts: Content & Analysis
Social Studies Content Knowledge Practice Test
Social Studies Content & Interpretation Practice Test
World and US History: Content Knowledge
Physical Education: Content Knowledge
Physical Education: Content and Design
Mathematics: Content Knowledge
Biology: Content Knowledge
Chemistry: Content Knowledge
Health & Physical Education: Content Knowledge
General Science: Content Knowledge
Teaching Reading: K-12 Practice Test
Praxis Teaching Reading: Elementary Practice Test
Fundamental Subjects: Content Knowledge
Health Education
English to Speakers of Other Languages
Algebra 1
Praxis World Language Study Guides
Spanish: World Language
Praxis School Leaders Licensure Assessment Study Guide
School Leaders Licensure Assessment
Praxis Administration and Supervision Study Guide
Administration and Supervision
Praxis Special Education Study Guides
Gifted Education
Core Knowledge and Mild to Moderate Applications
Core Knowledge and Severe to Profound Applications
Special Education: Severe to Profound
Core Knowledge and Applications
Special Education: Foundational Knowledge
Virginia Communication and Literacy Assessment Study Guides
Virginia Communication and Literacy Assessment (VCLA) Complete
Virginia Communication and Literacy Assessment (VCLA) Reading Subtest
Virginia Communication and Literacy Assessment (VCLA) Writing Subtest
More Praxis Exam Study Guides
ParaPro Assessment
Foundations of Reading
Foundation of Reading
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Everything you need to know about Praxis® Certification Exams
The Praxis assessment are exams teaching candidates take to help them either enter a teacher training program or earn their teacher certification. Praxis assessments fall into two main categories: Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators Tests (known as Praxis Core) and Subject Assessments. Praxis Core assessments measure the skills and content knowledge of candidates going into a teacher preparation program. Subject assessments measure the content knowledge of what the teacher will actually teach. To learn more about the Praxis Assessments check out page 8 of the Praxis Bulletin.
What Praxis exam you take will depend on the subject matter you want to teach and the test requirements for your state. There are Praxis exams for a variety of grade levels and subject matters. To see a full list of Praxis exams check out our article that lists all the Praxis exams for you. You can use this article to learn more about which exam you should take!
Praxis tests are given year round through testing centers. Many Praxis exams can be taken from your home or you can locate a test center near you!
If you fail your exam you have the option to retake the exam in 28 days. You must wait 28 days after your original exam date before you can retake the exam again. For the full retake policy see page 14 of the Praxis Bulletin.
Praxis exam costs differ depending on the exam you are taking. Prices range from $90 to $209. You can use this link to check the cost of your exam,
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Emma Garcia
8 years of Teaching Experience
240 Product Manager