The Praxis ParaPro is for paraprofessional certification. Before you head to the test center, you’ll want to know how many questions there are and what kind of questions you should expect on the ParaPro. This article will answer your questions and help you identify the best resources to help you prepare for the Praxis ParaPro exam.
Ready? Let’s get started.
How Many Questions Are On the Praxis ParaPro?
The Praxis ParaPro has 90 multiple-choice (or selected-response) questions. About 60 of the questions will test your basic subject matter mastery and the rest will ask you to apply your knowledge to classroom situations. The questions will all be mixed together. The questions are also divided evenly among math, reading, and writing.

What Kinds Of Questions Are On the Praxis ParaPro?
The 90 questions on the Praxis ParaPro are all multiple-choice. There will be 30 questions in each subject area: reading, math, and writing. Within the 30, about 20 questions will ask about the subject matter and the other 10 will ask about applying your teaching skills in the classroom. So if you are looking at the math, there will be 20 questions that ask you to solve an equation or find an angle or perform another math operation. The other 10 questions will ask you how you would support a student who is learning math, sometimes describing a specific situation for you to address.
Are There Any Essay Questions On the Praxis ParaPro?
The 90 questions on the Praxis ParaPro are all multiple-choice. There are no essay questions, but there are some questions that are interactive. This means that you may be asked to select more than one correct answer, click on part of a picture to select the answer, or type in a number as an answer to a math question.
What Are the Best Resources For Studying For the Praxis ParaPro?
To prepare for the Praxis ParaPro, you will want to check out the website from ETS, the company that provides the exam. The site can help you understand the testing environment and what you will see on the computer screen when you take the test. To prepare for the actual test content, you need to find a great study guide. Check out 240 Tutoring for a free Praxis ParaPro diagnostic test that will show you what to study. Once you know where you need to focus, 240 Tutoring’s study guide is super helpful as you prepare. 240 Tutoring also offers this Praxis ParaPro free guide to help you learn more about the exam.
Check out all of the free Praxis ParaPro study resources.